Ventura Offshore

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce a significant milestone in Ventura Offshore’s transformation and growth process: the repurchase of the SSV Catarina platform.

Built by our company at the DSME shipyard in 2012, Catarina is a sister rig to the SSV Victoria and was part of our own rig fleet until its sale in May 2022. Although Catarina was sold, we continued to manage and operate the unit under our supervision.

In line with our growth strategy, repurchasing Catarina has proven to be a strategic opportunity. The platform has demonstrated excellent performance, with over 1,564 days without lost-time incidents and an average of 97% operational uptime over the past five years.

Catarina is currently operating for ENI in Indonesia under a contract for four firm wells and five optional wells.

We deeply appreciate the tireless work of the onshore and offshore teams of Catarina for their remarkable safety and operational performance, which have been crucial in making this investment possible.
